Video to create from questions that get asked of you

Rick Toone
3 min readAug 6, 2020
Video to create from questions that get asked of you

This is part two of the 10 by 10 formula we teach regarding creating content for your business.

What is the second 10 set of questions? The first is the 10 questions you get asked the most about your business.

The second 10 is — What questions should people ask you about your business?

We don’t always know all the questions to ask. As a consumer or interested party we know certain questions to ask but the truth is every business has so much more to offer than we think.

Often we don’t know what we don’t know so we don’t think about asking the 2nd or 3rd level questions to dig deeper for the information.

Let me give you an example. Where we live there are different rates applied to electricity. It is based on yearly usage and location. When we moved to this town we asked about average utility bills but no one explained the true electric billing to us.

Turns out our 1st place was in the “cheap” zone. Now we know to ask about the rates because zones can vary by as much as 6x the price.

If I had a place to rent I would mention that it is in the low zone so that people would find the price more desirable even though they didn’t know to ask.

In your business, you have many things that people want to ask or don’t know to ask to help them make a decision. Answer those questions before they ask — thus Questions you should ask.

Things like return policies, or what happens if ___ changes, etc.

If you are a dentist and you replace a filling in a patient. Within a week the filling falls out for whatever reason, do you replace it free? Charge for your time but materials are 0 cost? Say it wasn’t your fault — you get the picture.

Often these questions save you from negative reviews or confrontations later.

But more importantly, these answers help the buyer with an in-depth buying decision and they appreciate you for giving them the info they hadn’t thought of to answer.

So we need to think about the questions people aren’t asking but will be helpful to them. We need to answer the question before they ask. There is a marketing saying that goes something like this: “Answer the question in the buyer’s mind before they ask” or “meet the buyer where they are”.

You know your business and industry and the rest of us are looking for a solution. Help us make a good decision to solve our problems.

Providing that extra level of information will build trust and authority which is so important in today’s business landscape.

Everyone is trying to grab eyeballs and if you provide a video with information the viewer hadn’t thought to ask you are more likely to get the business.

Is your competition creating videos in the 10 x 10 method?

Do you need help clarifying what videos to produce?

If you want the free eBook on 5 Tips to look like a pro on video click here

#businessvideo #videoproduction #Videoconsulting, #talkingheadvideo #Zoomvideo



Rick Toone

Helping high performers and business experts become the leader in their marketplace using video. Working with leaders committed to investing in their business.